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EDT 616

Internet Addiction
Mauris lorem!

How do people become

addicted to the Internet?
Many people turn to the Internet to manage unpleasant
feelings such as stress, lonliness, depression, and anxiety.
It is easy to turn to the Internet when you have had a
bad day or are looking for a way to escape or relieve
stress. Losing yourself online can temporarily make
lonliness and boredom evaporate into thin air. Spending a
lot of time online only becomes a problem when it absorbs
too much of your time, causing you to neglect your
relationships, your work, school, or other important things
in your life. When you start to feel more comfortable
with your online friends than your real ones, you may be
using the Internet too much!

Different Types of Computer/Internet Addiction

Net Compulsion

Info Overload


Gaming, gambling,
shopping, etc
Leads to financial
or job related

Compulsive web
surfing leads to low
productivity & less
social interaction w/
family & friends

Too much surfing

of porn sites &
adult chat rooms
often affects reallife relationships.

58% of American Adults own

80 % of Smartphone users check their
phones beforegetting out of bed.
Americans Spend 11 hours each day
with Electronic Media
68.9% of US Residents are Considered
Daily Internet Users
24% of Facebook Users Missed
Important moments in Real Life
While Trying to Share Them!
63% of Facebook Users Admit to being
Stressed Out by Delayed Responses to
Friendship Requests.


EDT 616

Signs & Symptoms

An addiction to the Internet is manifested in
both physical and emotional symptoms

Emotional Symptoms of Online Addiction

Feelings of Guilt
Euphoric Feelings
Unable to Keep Schedules
No Sense of Time
Aviod Doing Work


Affects of Online Addiction

Unfinished Tasks
Forgotten Responsibilities
Weight Gain/Obesity
Financial Problems/Bankrupcy

Gray Matter in the Brain

Research has demonstrated that brain
structure can be altered with prolonged
exposure to multiple media forms. Media
Multitasking is becoming more popular in
modern society and there is increasing
concern about its impact on our cognitive &
social-emotional well-being.


EDT 616

Physical Symptoms
of Online Addiction
Backache - is a common symptom of Online Addiction. Hunching over a computer screen is the
leading reason why four in five women end up with crippling back pain at some point in their life.
Poor posture while sitting at the computer, lack of regular breaks and exercise all contribute to
the problem.
Computer Vision Syndrome - Staring a computer monitor for hours on end has become a part of the
modern workday. 50% to 90% of people who work at a computer screen experience some
symptoms of eye trouble. CVS encompasses a whole range of eyestrain and pain felt by computer
users whos eyes are forced to continuously focus, move back & forth and align with what is on the
screen. This repetitive stress can overwork the eye muscles, leading to CVS.
Carpar Tunnel Syndrome - CTS occurs when tendons in the wrist swell, applying pressureto the
median nerve that runs through the forearm and into the hand. Everyone knows that spending too
much time using a keyboard or mouse repeatatively can cause hand pain and numbness, leading to
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Weight Gain
The obsessive Internet user is likely to become
obese. This is because the user spends too much
time sitting in front of the computer and not
enough time being active. Food is often
consumed while using the computer and fat &
calories begin to pile up!


EDT 616

Getting Help
Chose a Healthier Outlet for Stress
As much comfort as the Internet can provide, it is
important to remember that there are healthier ways to
keep difficult feelings in check. These may include
exercising, meditating, and practicing simple relaxation

Take the Self-Assessment

Risk Factors
You Suffer from Anxiety
You are Depressed
You Have Other Addictions
You Lack Social Support
You are Unhappy or Stressed
You are Less Mobile than Usual
You are Less Socially Active

There are a number of steps you can take to get your

Internet use under control.
Recognize any underlying problems
Build your coping skills
Strengthen your support network
Keep a log of how much you use the Internet
Set goals for appropriate times to use
Replace your Internet use with healthy
Stay connected to the offline world
Treat the Internet as a tool


1-866-956-1718 24/7 toll-free helpline


EDT 616

What is Internet Addiction Disorder? (IAD) There is ongoing debate about how to best
classify the behavior which is characterized by many hours spent in non-work
technology-related computer/Internet/activities. The behavior is also accompanied by
mood swings, preoccupation with the Internet and digital media, the inability to
control the amount of time spent using digital technology, the need for more time or a
new game to achieve the good mood, withdrawal symptoms when not engaged, and
evidence of continuing with the behavior regardless of family conflict, decreased social
life and negative work or school consequesces.
Problematic computer use is a growing social issue which is being debated worldwide.
Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) ruins lives by causing neurological complications,
psychological disturbances, and social problems. There have been recent arguments
that IAD should be included in the next edition of the DSM. (DSM-V)
When used responsibly, the Internet can be a great place to interact socially, meet new
people, and even start romantic relationships. However, online relationships can be
more intense than those in real life. Our fantasies are given free reign and the idea of
being with our online love can exceed all realistic expectations. Since very few real-life
relationships can compete with these fantasy relationships, the Internet addict will
prefer to spend more and more time with their online friends.
The problem is that half of the people online lie about their age, weight, profession,
marital status, or gender. When online friends meet in person for the first time and the
real-life person fails to match the online description, it can create a huge
There are actually treatments available for those who suffer from Internet Addiction.
Total abstinence is not necessarily the best route for treatment options and I dont
think that pharmacological interventions are the best idea either. Awareness of the
problem is the first step.


EDT 616

Gray Matter in Brain Study
Carpal Tunnel Prevention
Computer Vision Syndrome
12 Ways to Stop Computer Back Pain
Mouse Handcuff Picture
Wrist Keyboard Picture
Drag Boy from Screen Picture
Internet Addiction Photos
Infobesity Graphic

Thank You!

Ted Talk -

The Great Porn Experiment

14 Signs you spend too much time on the Internet - Signs & Symptoms
Psychology Today - Too much time on the Internet
Is the Internet Making us Crazy (Newsweek)
MichaelHyatt Blog What the Internet is Doing to our Brains (podcast)
Too much Internet causes DAMAGE TO TEENAGERS BRAIN
Internet Addiction Disorder
Computer Addiction
Video Game Addiction
Internet Addiction Quiz
Internet Addiction Guide
A Brief Summary of Research & Practice

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