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Lydia Grace

This is me Lydia, and I would like to tell you my life story. I
was born on June 4th 2003 in Arkansas. The hospital where it
all happened it St. Vincent North. Now I have 3 sisters and
my oldest sister is Rebecca and she was born in Canada, she
is going to be 16 on January 28th. My 2nd oldest sister is
Emily she was born in Kenya Africa, and she is going to be 15
on June 21st. My 3rd oldest sister is Abigail she was born in
Uganda Africa, and she is going to be 14 on October 21st.
You all know when and where I was born but, you don't know
how old I am . . . I'm 11 years old! So after I was born we
went back to California where we lived for about 3 years i
wanna say. I remember one time when it snowed SO much it
was like 1 foot 1/2 deep and I was about 2 years old . . . . . I
was so excited because it snowed soooo much and I just
couldn't wait to get out there in it. So mom put my coat, hat,
mittens and scarf on, as soon as she was done I ran outside
then I took a step and fell down I tried to get up again when I
did I took another step and fell down again and so forth this
kept happening so I just went inside. Oh and another time
we had a friend named David and it was his birthday so I
went outside and ( remember I was still pretty young) I went
in the backyard and started to sing "happy dirt day to you,
happy dirt day to you, happy dirt day dear David, happy dirt
day to you" and everybody just laughed and laughed at me
and I started to laugh too!!! It was just one of my greatest

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