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Betty Armstrong
Mrs. Petty
ENG 101
18 February 2015
Stand for Something You Believe or Fall for Anything
Many Americans look to the police officers for protection, but recently
unarmed teenager lives have been taken by police officers. The
photographer of the photo captured a lot of emotions without using words.
Pathos is displayed all throughout the photo. The look on the protesters faces
is a cry for help and justice. The photo was taken in Ferguson, Missouri
during a march in September of 2014. Protesters are seen marching and
chanting all while standing up for what they believe in.

The image is shown to be on a bright sunny day with the media and
police officers surrounding them. The officers in the background are dressed
as if they are ready for war verses the protesters who unarmed and there
wanting to have their voices heard. A few officers

have batons in their

hands while on standby ready to strike if someone gets out of hand. We are
all humans and everyone should be treated as nothing less. The
neighborhood gathered together to have a peaceful march, but the rage on
the officers face shows the total opposite.

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Furthermore, you have quite a few protesters standing and sitting around
with both of their hands in the air. This

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Work Cited

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