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A learning style is a students consistent way of responding to and

using stimuli in the context of learning. Keefe (1979) defines learning
styles as the composite of characteristic cognitive, affective, and
physiological factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a
learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning
environment. Thus, learning styles are not really concerned with what
learners learn, but rather how they prefer to learn. Students, in fact all
individuals, are most effective when they are taught in their personal
learning style. In fact, there are three major types of learners: visual,
auditory and tactile/kinesthetic. While most individuals without disabilities
can learn using any one of these styles, most people have one for which
they show a stronger affinity.
There are many tests available to help business students to
discover their best learning style. Generally speaking, however, if they are
someone who is more likely to think in pictures, prefer to meet with
someone in person, and are more likely to want visual diagrams when
completing a project they have tendencies towards visual learning.
Similarly, if they are more likely to think in terms of sounds, prefer to speak
on the phone with someone, and want verbal instructions then they tend
towards auditory learning. Finally, if they are more likely to think in terms of
moving images like mini-movies in their mind, prefer to participate in an
activity when they meet to speak with someone, and tend to jump right



tactile/kinesthetic learning.







In this study, the researchers will aim to determine the answers to
the following specific problems: first, the researchers will gather the
demographic profile of first year business students in terms of age, and
gender, socio economic status; secondly, the researchers will determine
the learning style of the respondents which are visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic. Lastly, the researchers will determine if there is a significant
difference between the learning styles of the students when grouped
according to their profiles.

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