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A large company has a lan.

The manager of the company wants to replace it with

a WLAN explain the difference between a lan and a wlan giving an advantage
and a disadvantage of a wlan
1. a wlan doesnt use cables so it reduces the hazard of tripping
2. a wlan is cheaper for setting up because a lan is costly to setting up.
1. A wlan is UN secure because its transferring data over the same connection
2. A wlan is slower as more people connect.
Give two advantages and two disadvantages of having computers networked.
Advantage1: sharing printers, modems saves money
Advantage2: easy to copy applications to every workstation
Disadvantage 1: users may use too much bandwidth
Disadvantage 2: users may stake up too much storage space
To protect the customers data the company owner will make sure the system
uses encryption
Describe encryption.
Encryption is when data is coded or scrambled its encoded and decoded using an
encryption key. If the data is intercepted the person intercepting would need the
encryption key
Describe the role of a proxy server when a Lan is connected to the internet
When a lan Is connect to the internet the proxy server monitors what people are
Searching through the internet, e.g it filters the intertnet.
Fecribe four differences between an antranet and the internet
1,the internet is public
2,an intranet is restriced
3.internet can use an ulimited number of vistitors traffic, for example tere isnt a
limit for how many people use the internet.
4. the visitors traffic is limited so only a certain number of people can use it
Mobile phones are used for accessing the internet . give two advantages and two
disadvantages of using a mobile phone rather than a pc to access the internet
Advantage 1,phone is portable
Advantage 2. Instant access everywhere

Disadvantage1. Its slower.

Disadvantage could run out of signal and lose the work youve been doing

Explain the person of the data protection act and one of the principles.
The data protection act controls how your information is used and one of thw
principles are. Not transferd out side of uk without adequate protection

Give three advantages of video conferencing.

Less costly for buisnesss , (hotels aeroplanes).
Meetings can take place without leaving the office
Meetings can be called instantly worldwide with little notice

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