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Analytic Reflective Essay Menu Item #2



My second menu item was an interview with a man named Victor

Green. Victor Green was one of my favorite teachers in high school
because he seemed different than all of the other teachers. One day,
he decided to do a social experiment and he made himself homeless
for a week. During this week, he simply lived in downtown Concord and
still continued with his normal life. I asked him many questions such as
how did you feel?, did you ever ask for money?, did you talk with
anyone who was homeless, and finally, do you think you should give
money to homeless people?. One of his responses really stuck out to
me. His response to did you ever talk with anyone who was
homeless? was as follows: I did there was a sense of community
an unspoken understanding they shared stories, and I did too. They
were mostly about normal things, family people they love, jobs, etc.
This stuck out to me mainly because of the sense of community. He
said that they were a group that had each others back and looked out
for each other. They survived together and were each others friends. I
will use this item to help better explain the homeless community.
Before this interview, I never really thought of homeless people as
watching out for each other. I always kind of assumed that they were
just watching out for themselves and trying to get by. This is true, but
there is also a sense of friendship and a certain bond that I will never
understand unless I am put in this situation like Victor Green.

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