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Project 5 Gradebook using a free program

This project is designed to give you a chance to compare creating a gradesheet on
your own using Excel (Project 4) to using one that has been designed for keeping
student grades
A. Using a free grading program (ex. put the same information in
for student names and scores as you did in project 4. Print or save a copy of
the gradesheet at this point before doing the following:
1. Highlight or indicate in some way the students average grade or percent.
2. Resort the names to be different that they are on the first copy (ex. first
name, last name changed to last name, first name ).
3. Add a new student, place zeros in the assignments that were missed.
4. Add three more assignments, each of different points, and put in fake score
for each student.
5. Find the average score for each of the assignments for the whole class.
6. Do one additional modification of your choice.
B. Print or save the new gradesheet.
C. On a new page in your webpage, upload a picture of each gradesheet.
D. On the webpage, insert a table or text to compare the advantages and
disadvantages of each gradesheet.
E. Using the text option on the webpage, share your personal opinion on which
one you would prefer to use, given the choice.
F. Using your own discretion, add any additional graphics, wordart, etc. to make
your page attractive.
G. Email Kadene at your webpage link asking her to
review your project and put points on the gradesheet. Thanks.

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