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Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide an insight into the short evening

course on descriptive writing I have recently attended. It will evaluate the

course content, organisation and method, compare the advantages and
disadvantages, as well as assessing the usefulness of the course.
Getting: The course took place on Thursday, February 21(st), at the local college.
It started at half past six and ended two hours later, at half past eight. A hundred
people attended and the course was held by two local English professors.
Advantages: The course presented many advantages, including the content and
the method. Firstly I found the lecture well-structured. The amount of a formation
was well-balanced, presented into an attractive two hour presentation. The facts
presented were sustained with examples and, since there was not a tiring
amount of information, we had time to take notes. Moreover, the course covered
all of the basic points of descriptive writing, including more than a few useful
recommendations. Furthermore, I would underline the leading method. The
professors were opened to questions, they exemplified everything they stated
and, at the end of the course, they thought us a game in order for us to better
absorbe the information provided.
Disadvantages: Despite the course itself, being informative, I would note,
however, two drawbacks. Firstly, it was organized poorly. The programme stated
that, it was supposed to start at six, when in fact it started thirty minutes later.
Moreover, more people attended it was originally bought and therefore there
were not enough sits. Secondly, I would point out the length of the course. In my
opinion, it was too short. Were it an hour longer, then they could have presented
some more useful information.
Conclusion: To conclude, I consider the course useful, despite its drawbacks.
There is clearly room for improvement, but not as made in the area regarding the
course itself. Therefore, I believe that attending the course benefited me and I
strongly recommended that my colleagues attend it in the future as well.

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