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Creative Writing A Unit 2 Final

The room was filled with comforting warmth. The windows and doors were open, but
the breeze was very weak, so the heat from the sun had a chance to fill the room.
Light showed through the doorway and caught specks of dust floating in the air
creating white hot angelic rays. The house was especially clean because my mother
had just returned home after a business trip. The floors were swept and mopped,
the couch was meticulously washed, the tables were wiped clean, the beds were
made with freshly cleaned linen, and the house had an aroma of cinnamon and
vanilla wafting through it. The house was filled with a calm that only comes with the
knowledge that a loved one was safe and sound after a long flight and trip overseas.
It was comfortable. The bags left on the coat rack and undusted lights werent of
concern at that point, the only thought I could process was the joy of my mother
I cherish moments like this. Its a constant reminder of the love one can feel for
their family. It reminds of all the things my mother represents. There is also the
morbid relief of seeing firsthand that a loved one hasnt perished. The most
important part of this is that it highlights the apparent absence that my mother
leaves after every trip, causing you to realize the important role they play in
everyday life.
My mothers return answered the un known whats missing question that had
gnawed at the back of unit 2my neck for the weeks since she had left. Her returns
are always comforting; its a reminder of the light she brings to our lives and the
warmth that her light carries.

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