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Issues and Trends in International Relations

Java, Nikki Marie M.

February 05, 2015


Dr. Wilson S. Chua

The Papal Visit 2015: Its International Implication

Many are overwhelmed with the recent visit of the pope in the Philippines
including I. I was active at church during my secondary education because I was
enrolled in a Catholic school in our province. I have to admit that Im not an active
Christian as I do not practice teachings like bible reading, worships and novenas
anymore. I also seldom go to church to attend the Holy Mass. On personal impact, I
have to say that the presence alone of the pope made me feel something that is beyond
words, that the Lord will always be there and that he is capable of forgiving. That even if
you are led strayed; He will guide and lead us back to the right path and that change is
never impossible. The pope has reminded us with his visit that though we live in a world
of sinners and there are many temptations that entices us; we are still capable of doing
the right thing and pursue in His way.
On religio-socio-cultural impact, I believe that other Filipinos share what I felt.
The fact that countless people attended, just proves that many are willing to change
ways because they were able to reflect on themselves upon the words delivered by the
pope. His presence in our country symbolized hope. His talk about the role of women is
also notable as it empowers the gender. It encourages women to be more active in the
church because as he said, women are capable of seeing things in a different angle.
In my own opinion, I think the only problem is the reportage of media coverage, going
through details like the plates and utensils he used, exaggerating the petty details
instead of focusing solely on the words, portraying his visit differently. The tendency is
that people might idolize him in the wrong manner.
On international impact, because many attended his visit, it just goes to show
that the pope who is an international figure has huge influences on people even those of
us who are half the globe away. Catholic Church despite of the controversies it was
involved with is as strong as the faith of the people around the world. With the
leadership of Pope Francis, it was able to create reforms to strengthen the church.
Evidenced in his speeches that even with modernity, the church is still able to keep up
and is continuously present to guide the Catholics through the teachings of Jesus.

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