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Date: _________

Grade Level: 2
Subject Area: Language Arts
Topic: Pronouns

Technology Used: iPad & Worksheet(s) w/QR Codes

Time Frame: 1 Day Lesson

Objectives: Students will learn about pronouns and complete a vocabulary worksheet to reinforce their
understanding of pronouns, homonyms, and possessives.
Materials/Resources: iPads with Headphones and Internet Access, Work Sheet(s).
GPS Standards: ELACC2L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking.
c. Use reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).
1. Teacher will discuss the Term Pronoun and discuss the various ways that they can be used.
2. Have a classroom helper pass out the attached worksheet(s) and explain how to accomplish the
Pronoun activities prior to passing out the iPads.
3. Explain to the students that they will be using their iPads along with the attached worksheet(s)
to independently learn about Pronouns.
4. Have a classroom helper pass out iPads and headphones.
5. Explain to students that they are to use the Scan App (to read the QR Codes) on their iPads
and or to open the Grammar Jammers app, Brain Pop app or Brain Pop Jr. app on their
devices so that they can complete the assignment(s).
6. Students begin by selecting Pronouns in Grammar Jammers (Found in LA Primary folder).
7. After watching the video (2-4 times), have the students take the Quick Check Lesson to
confirm understanding.
8. Students watch the BrainPop Video on their iPads, pcs or android devices to learn about
Personal Pronouns.
9. Students watch the BrainPop Video on their iPads, pcs or android devices to learn about
10. Students watch the BrainPop Video on their iPads, pcs or android devices to learn about
11. Students learn more about Pronouns by playing a game on the Harcourt Publishers website.
12. Have the students complete the attached vocabulary worksheet together in class. Consider
doing this as a whole class/group discussion.
13. Have the students use safari on their iPads to answer the Vocabulary Worksheet questions.
14. Circulate around the room as a guide to assist students with this project.
Modifications: None should be required.
Assessment/Evaluations of Objectives: Visual observation, worksheet responses & auditory responses to
questions posed during the class discussion.

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