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Date: _________

Grade Level: K
Subject Area: Language Arts
Topic: Sight Words

Technology Used: iPad & Projector

Time Frame 1 Day Lesson

Objectives: Students will reinforce their knowledge of sight words by using the Sight Words by Little
Speller App.
Materials/Resources: Student & Teacher iPads with Headphones, Yarn, Crayons, Construction Paper,
Hole Puncher, Classroom Video Projector and Audio Amplifier.
GPS Standards: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity.
ELACCKRL10 - The student will actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and
1. Teacher will lead students in an activity that will introduce them to Sight Words by displaying
their iPad on the ActiveBoard and by demonstrating how to use the App.
2. Students will practice Sight Words by using the app.
3. Students will create a Sight Word book (using construction paper, crayons and yarn) by
practicing the writing of the words they have been exposed to in the iPad app.
4. Teacher should set a timer or limit on the number of words to be learned and or to be used to
create the Sight Word Book.
5. The teacher can also change the level of difficulty and/or add additional lesson dimensions by
customizing the app in the settings section.
6. Circulate around the room as a guide to assist students with this project.
7. Choose students via Popsicle sticks to show and to read their Sight Word books to the class.
Modifications: None should be required.
Assessment/Evaluations of Objectives: Visual observation and Sight Word book activity. Teacher will
use authentic assessment to observe students while they are engaged in activities and will assess their
Sight Word books for accuracy and completion.
Closure: Wrap up with Easy Sight Words Written on the ActiveBoard and by selecting random students
to read (out loud) the words that you have written.

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