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Concept Map Project 50 pts.

A concept map is a special form of a web diagram for exploring knowledge

and gathering and sharing information. Concept mapping is the strategy
employed to develop a concept map. A concept map consists of nodes or
cells that contain a concept, item or question and links. The links are labeled
and denote direction with an arrow symbol. The labeled links explain the
relationship between the nodes. The arrow describes the direction of the
relationship and reads like a sentence.
( See examples below.

Develop an understanding of a body of knowledge

Explore new information and relationships
Access prior knowledge
Gather new knowledge and information
Share knowledge and information generated
Design structures or processes such as written documents,
constructions, web sites, web search, multimedia presentations
Problem-solve and generate solutions.
Project steps:
1. Using a free program, MSWord, etc., or from scratch, create a concept map that clearly
demonstrates your understanding of how technology enhances instruction, which then
increases student learning. Save as a jpeg or word document so you can upload it to your
2. Create a page within your website that explains what a concept map is and at least 5
possible uses in the classroom. In addition, attractively display the concept map you
created detailing how technology and media enhances instruction and student learning.
3. Email Kadene at to notify her when youre your page is
completed so points can be added to the gradesheet.

Please note the sample concept maps below:

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