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Name: ________________

Class : _______

A. Match the pictures below. Use coloured pencils to match it.

B. Group the correct food below.

D. Change these words into plurals.Add "s" or "es"

1. Carrot ______________

3. Cucumber ______________

2. Durian ______________

4. Tomato ________________

E. Read the passage below.

Mr Abu is a bus driver. Every day,he gets up at 6 o'clock. Heeats his

breakfast and puts on his uniform.
He drives Bus 480. First, he picks up Zara and Zarif at Jalan Lima. Then,
Mdm Kumalasari gets up the bus. She is a teacher.
Then,the bus goes to Taman Silau. Many children get on the bus. They
ride until the bus reaches their school.
Mr Abu enjoys talking to the children. He is happy to see them again in
the afternoon. The children like Mr Abu. He is a kind and caring man.

Answer the questions below.

1. What is Mr Abu 's occupation?______________________________.
2. What bus number does he drive?____________________________.
3. Write True or False.
* The bus does not go to Taman Silau.
* Mr Abu picks up the children from school.
4. Mdm Kumalasari works in a _______________________.
5. The opposite of "happy " is __________________________.

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