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THE PRACTICE OF EVERYDAY LIFE Michel de Certeau Translated by Steven Rendall UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS ” srory re later altedy t work. Thus itis exemplary that Deane and Vernant shoud ve made themes the storellers of this "labyrinthine inte ligenee Cintligence n dédale”, a8 Francoise Front so wal rm it This dcursine practi of the story (store) bth it aan te incur. "At boom, this all avery old story. When he grew ol, Aristotle rho not generally considered exaetiya tightrope dener, edt ore mel inthe moet lnbyrintine and ble of dcoures Me ad then tivived atthe age of mec “The more sltary and wold T become, the more I comet ike stories." He had explied the reason adi tiv as inthe older Frew, it was &connoieur' admiration forthe tact that compoted harmonies and fore art of doing i by spies “The lover of mth sin 2 sense lover of Windom, for mth composed of Part HI Spatial Practices Chapter VII Walking in the City By teste ae op ten pou (Cente. Beneath the baie stited up by the winds, the urban ‘snd 6 nthe idle ofthe se, ifs ap the syscrapers ver Wall Sirs, sinks down at Greenwich, then stn agin to th ees of Midtown, gity panes over Central Park an finaly undue off nto the distance beyond Harlem. A wave of verticals. is apttion it momentary areted by von The gigantea immobile Before the eye Hs trasfored igo @textrology in whch extremes foincie—etremes of ambition ané degradation, bral oppositions of fasts and sys, contrat Between yesterdays bul, already ans formed into ‘rach ans, and today’ urban ruption that Bock ois space Unlike Rome, New York hs never learned the at of owing okt Dy playing om al ts pasts. 1s preset invents self fom hour to how, inthe act of teowing away i previous accomplishments nd chalensing ‘he future. A ety composed of paronysal paces in monumental eis. The spectator ca ead nt Univers tha x constanly exloding at ce imribed the architectural figures of the coinetdai opposronum formery drawn in miniatures snd mystial textures. On this sage of concrete, tel and sas, cut ou between two oceans (te Adan and the American) bya Tid body of water, the ast ltrs nthe world campo 8 Bae ita of eos fh egen nd p S reixo Manhatan fiom the 110th flor of the World Trade Vosours or walkers To what roti of knowledge does the ecstasy of reading such a ous belong! Having taken voluptuous pleura wonder what ‘the vouroe of ths pleawure of sexing the whol," o! looking dove om ‘otling the most immoderste of bora texts “Tobe lied tothe summit ofthe Worl Trade Center it be ited cout ofthe city’s grasp One's body is no Tonge clasped by the tets ‘at turn and return according to an wnonymeus laws nor i por ses, whether as player or payed, by the rumble of 0 many dflerenes Sindy the nervusnes of New Yor eff. When one poe op there, he Teaver behing the mau hat carries and ies up in ise any deity of authors or spectators An Teas fing above these waters, e can ignore the devies of Daedalus in mobile and ences labyrinths Tar blow. His elevation tasfigues him ito a voyeur. It pts him at &