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Radio Trails Analysis

Trail for

Documentary for Channel 4

Target audience

People who use drugs and want them to be legalised. Sociologists who could
be researching in to this area also politicians to see if it would be beneficial to
change the law

Tone of voice?

Serious because they want people to realise how serious they are to make a
change and how beneficial this change would be. They also use facts to show
they have researched into the subject area. This is something we will do to
show our audience we know what we are on about and to persuade them to
watch it.
Sound effects are used at the beginning of the trailer. They use sounds that
are confusing and loud to make it sound like they are inside the head of a
drug user. This really attracts the listener as it makes them wonder what the
radio trailer is about and keeps them wanting to hear more. It makes it unique
compared to the average radio trailer.

Sound effects?


Use of music?

The music is very on edge and bouncy and I think this perfectly represents
the topic they are discussing. We will also need to make sure that are music
links in with what we are discussing.

How many tracks?

One track this helps the listener concentrate on what is being said rather than
getting distracted by the music.

Sound levels?

The sound effects at the beginning are loud to create the atmosphere
however the track that is playing throughout is quitter this is so that the
audience can concentrate on the voice over and what is being said


It is 44 seconds which is what an average radio trailer would be

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