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ets Learn how to play Velai illa Pattathari Title Song in keyboard in this video.

This video is uploaded for

beginners. So beginners enjoy learning this song. I have also given the song notes below for your
comfortable. I am very sorry guys, this video is taken by me from my left hand and played in right hand
because of which I couldn't use my left hand. Sorry if there is any mistake. If you required any assistance
please comment, we are ready to help you.
Notes: (*2 means Repeat)
Scale: C Minor Scale - C D Eb F G Ab Bb C -- All the E,A,B are played as flat(black key)
1. |c g cc g a c g f g a g f e| * 2 |c g cccc g a c g c g a g f e| * 2
2. |cccc e cccc ff g|
3. |ggfg ggfag ggfg ffef eede| * 2
4. |cccccccccccccccc cdec|
5. |cccccccccccccccc cefg|
6. |ggg ggg ggg ggg g|
7. |ccc bcde c ccc bcde c ccc bcde ff efefec|
Repeat 1
8. |cccc g cccc gg a cc g c g a g f e|
9. |fg fgfg fgfgfgfg bbagf| * 4
10. |e e e dc c cd d e e e dc c cc| * 2
Repeat 4 & 5 & 6 & 3 & 7
7.|ccc bcde c ccc bcde c ccc bcde ff efefec

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