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Flexion is the inability to actively straighten a finger joint to the neutral position which may result in a
painful joint, the inability to open the hand wide enough to grasp objects or difficulty when putting the
hand in a pocket or putting on gloves. This deformity can result from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, or jamming the finger during sports activities.


For Reducible Flexion

Use the SIRIS Boutonniere Splint to correct a reducible boutonniere or

mallet finger deformity. The wearer can adjust this splint to hold the finger in position and provide
varying degrees of extension mobilization.

For Mild to Moderate Non-Reducible Flexion

Use the SIRIS Boutonniere Splint to correct a mild to moderate nonreducible boutonniere or mallet finger contracture (less than 25 degrees). When using the SIRIS
Boutonniere Splint for a non-reducible deformity, the individual ring sizes must be larger than normal
since the splint must accommodate the contracture.

SIRIS Boutonierre Splint used to correct mallet finger in the DIP joint

On Large Finger Joints

Use the SIRIS Realignment Splint for enlarged or fusiform-shaped PIP

joints. The orientation of the spacer between the two rings holds them farther apart for better
leverage at a more comfortable angle.

SIRIS Realignment Splint used to correct flexion in fusiform-shaped PIP joints

For Flexion greater than 25 degrees

Use the SIRIS Dorsal Extension Splint for Flexion greater than 25
degrees, with the bar worn along the top of the joint. The Dorsal Extension Splint is a Special Order
Splint so please call for fitting instructions. We are happy to make modifications to assist with the
custom fit but Special Order splints may not be returned for refund, credit or exchange.

SIRIS Dorsal Extension Splint used to correct Flexion greater than 25 degrees

For Severe Flexion

We generally recommend trying serial casting, dynamic splints, or gutter splints to reduce the
contracture prior to ordering SIRIS Splints.

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