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Using tablets and/or laptops in school

In the last years, in our country, there was a long debate upon how the
Romanian educational system should improve in order to align to the new world
standards. I have heard a lot of opinions, but it was one that remained into my
mind: using laptops (or tablets) in school. I believe that it is an excellent idea but it
has a few drawbacks.
Firstly, I consider that using modern technology everyday in education would
make the school more attractive to the teenagers. Almost every student owns a PC
or a Smartphone and they love their gadgets. In other words, we live in the XXIst
century but the schools are rather a few decades behind. Moreover, using a laptop
for your homework project or anything regarding school would make it easier to
keep it all together and carry them around.
However, this project would require a huge amount of money. In spite of the
cost of a laptop with minimal requirements , which is rather low, multiplied by the
number of the students equals a massive number , not to mention the cost of the
licenses for the programms and other additional costs.
In conclusion, it is known that 10% of the Romanian GDP is supported by the
IT industry and I believe that introducing modern technology in schools would help
this industry to maintain at least this level and to bring more money into the

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