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Dear Reader,

Imagine this: You wake up to gunfire and explosions. The person that
was lying next to you was dead. You jump out of bed and put on your
equipment. Then you pick up your blaster and slowly exit your barracks,
making sure not to get shot. Then the gunfire stops. You look around and see
fire and dead bodies littered around you. You see people that you had talked
to the previous day. People you knew. Its just you walking through a field of
corpses and you have to that everyday because you are a soldier that is only
used for cannon fodder.
In the Star Wars universe the Empire, which my character serves,
controls hundreds of planets.(Star The might of the empire).
Imagine how many people are on earth and times the population by 100 and
thats is how many people had at their their disposal. Because of the numbers
at their disposal they sent their troops in waves. This tactic was meant to
overwhelm or overrun the enemy, who usually was defending, with sheer
numbers rather than proper tactics. Now the Stormtrooper Corps, which my
character is a part of, are the heavy infantry of the Empire. Instead of being
sent to slaughter in human waves they would used actual tactical
maneuvering with combination with advanced weapons and armor.
The reason that many soldiers and both sides died or were injured
were because of the advanced technology of the Star Wars universe. For
example, lasers could kill in one shot because it could penetrate armor so
easily. Lasers are electrons that are heated and focused on a small point,
which creates an immense amount of heat on the target .
( What is a laser?). And depending on the laser could

make a few inch hole to a crater 10 feet wide. Bigger lasers would be put on
tanks or ships. Also in Star Wars massive ships formed star fleets that could
bombard planets and land troops. Some StormTroopers were even put in
MECH suits. These MECH Troopers would be put in these suits that towered
over the average sized male. The suits armor could take a punch and then
return the beating. It was equipped with a flame thrower, jetpack, Laser Minigun and a miniature grenade launcher on its wrist. Due to how expensive
they were rare.
StormTroopers were made up of former clone soldiers from the Galactic
Republic. They were cloned on Kamino and trained to be ruthless killing
machines who were feverishly loyal to the Empire and their regime. During
the Clone Wars the Clones Jedi Generals, Jedi are force users that believe in
the Light Side of the Force and are a part of the Jedi Order, commanders
kept them in check as peacekeepers not enforcers who kept the peace. But
with the influence of the dark side and without their Jedi commanders they
became abusive authorities who became known galaxy wide for their
brutality.(Star This resulted in their inability to see moral good.
The average Stormtroopers mission day went like this. Get up, report
to your C.O,commanding officer, and get your equipment from the armory. In
the Armed forces your C.O is the person you report to for all activities being
done and any complaints, resigns and request for transfer.(Discovery). After
the Trooper went to the armory he would get to his designated AT-TE, A
transport/tank, or your dropship, a helicopter, and wait to be taken to battle.
If you made it to the battlefield you would unload from your transport and
follow the objectives given. Stormtroopers were trained to even pilot vehicles
if need be. So if your transports pilot or driver is killed you might be able to
control the vehicle and because of the Stormtroopers armor which could
actually change to suit the needs of the Stromtrooper, the Troopers were
versatile and deadly machines of war.They could even survive in the vacuum
of space for a few hours.
In Star Wars there are two sides of the force. The force is a mental and
physical binding of a spirit, which not all beings have, with the wisdom of the
universe(HowStuffworks). The Light Side of the force is the forgiving and
righteous side of the force. Those who believe in the Light Side, Jedi, dont let
their emotions get in the way or mix with their force duties.(Star
Jedi). The Light Side was used by the former Galactic Republic before Order
66. The other side of the Force is the Dark Side. Followers of the Dark Side

use their force for power and passion and let their emotions get in the way of
their thoughts. People of follow such dark ways are called Sith.They control
the force through anger and fear, and because of that have much less
restraint than Jedi. Since the Jedi and Sith are ultimate enemies they have
fought each other for millions of years since the founding of the force.

This story will entail the life of a Stormtrooper. All of the joys and sadness of
living in a constant state of uncertainty and knowing that no one would care
if died or got captured. Knowing that if you perished you would just be a
statistic.A number. Just knowing that youre replaceable.

Worked cited .
"Homepage." Discovery. N.p., 03 June 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.

HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!" HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015

" | Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars Rebels & Games."
N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.

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