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1. Look for known words; divide between them (e.g.

, hall-way, foot-ball)
2. Look for double consonants; divide between them (e.g., muf-fin, smit-ten)
3. Look for two consonants together; divide between them unless they are
digraphs (e.g., cac-tus, pub-lish, a-phid)
4. Look for sets of three consonants; keep digraphs and blends together (e.g.,
an-them, in-stant
5. If there is only one consonant between two vowels, break the word before the
consonant and try the long sound in the first syllable (e.g., ho-tel, e-vent).
6. If that doesnt work, break the word after the consonant and try the short
sound in the first syllable (e.g., man-age, ov-en).

Underline each vowel or vowel team except for silent e.

Box any word endings you can see.
Circle any prefixes you can see.
Use syllable types to decode each vowel sound.
Blend the syllables together.
Say the whole word and see if it makes sense. Try a different way if it doesnt.

Ask for help if you cant get the word.

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