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Pre-intermidiate p 137

1. Apply-/ pla/-to make a formal request, usually written, for something such
as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something-
, ( , .
to apply for a job-
2. Request-/rkwest/-a polite or formal demand for something-,
( )
3. Trainee-/treni/- someone who is being trained for a job-,

4. Junior-/ duni/- having a low rank in an organization or a profession, ( )

5. Prospects- /prspekt/- chances of future success - ,
At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects. you can't
marry a man with no job and no prospects!
6. Promote-/ prmt/- to give someone a better, more responsible job in a
company [ demote]-
7. Challemge-/ tlnd/- a new or difficult task that tests somebody's ability
and skill- ;
an /interesting challenge
8. Resign-/ rzan/- to officially announce that you have decided to leave your
job or an organization [ quit]- ,/,
She resigned from the government last week.
9. Involve-/ nvlv/- if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is
part of it or a result of it-,
10.Sack-/ sk/- to dismiss someone from their job [= fire]-
/ / was sacked from every other job he
11.Stall- / stl /-a table or a small shop with an open front, especially outdoors,
where goods are sold-, ,
12.take over-to take control of something- whos
going to take over a assistant when tim leaves?
13.retire-/ rta/-to stop working, usually because you have reached a certain
age- / Most people retire at 65.
14.Certain-/ stn/-used to talk about a particular person, thing, group of things
etc without naming them or describing them exactly:-,
There are certain things I just can't discuss with my mother.
15.Particular-/ ptkjl/-a particular thing or person is the one that you are
talking about, and not any other-, Is there a particular
type of book he enjoys? rise- an increase in the amount of money you are paid for doing your job a 4% pay raise
17.Employee-/mpli/-someone who is paid to work for someone else-,
a government employee- ,

18.Under-if you work under someone, they have a higher position in the
company, organization etc than you, and they help to direct your work-
/ /
19.Dismiss-/ dsms/-to remove someone from their job- ,
Bryant was
unfairly dismissed from his post.
20.Unemployed-/nmpld/-without a job [= out of work]-,
I've only been unemployed for a few weeks

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