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APA-Style : Citations

When writing, you MUST include a citation EVERY TIME you talk about:
1. Any fact/ idea you did not come-up with on your own
a. even though you paraphrased it (b/c you should always paraphrase. Remember the 3-word rule!)
2. Quotations (you probably should avoid these for your 144 research project)
3. Research findings
a. Even if they are your own
Types of Citations :
1. In-text, parenthetical (Best choice for purposes of 144 class projects!)
a. Ex.) There is a positive correlation between the frequency of side-to-side hip shakes and self-reported
levels of enjoyment experienced by party patrons (Bittner & Sidorowicz, 2013).
2. In-text, narrative/ non-parenthetical
a. Ex.) Bittner and Sidorowicz (2013) found a positive correlation between dancing activity and selfreported levels of enjoyment experienced by party patrons.
3. Quotations (Try to avoid these for 144 projects)
Use the following detailed table as a guide:
Narrative/ Non-Parenthetical


The way you write each citation depends on:

1. # of authors of the journal article (or whatever other resource you happen to be referencing)
2. Whether or not you have already cited the article
a. This refers to (the # of times the article has been cited in) your the ENTIRE DOCUMENT, not each
b. If you cite the same article multiple times in A SINGLE PARAGRAPH
i. Omit the year in the 2nd & all subsequent citations throughout the rest of that paragraph, then
cite normally as a subsequent citation the next time you cite that source in a new paragraph

Kara Sidorowicz, 2013

Some Important Notes about et al.:

1. Pay attention to PUNCTUATION (the period [.] follows only the al.)
2. For 1-2 authors
a. Dont need to use in any citations
3. For 3-5 authors
a. Only use in the 2nd & other subsequent citations
4. For 6+ authors:
a. Use only et al. (even for the 1st citation)
The following table is a condensed guide for parenthetical citations

# of Authors 1st Parenthetical Citation

(Palmer & Roy, 2008)

Subsequent Parenthetical Citations

(Palmer & Roy, 2008)

3, 4, or 5

(Sharp, Aarons, Wittenberg,

& Gittens, 2007)

(Sharp et al., 2007)

6 or more

(Mendelsohn et al., 2010)

(Mendelsohn et al., 2010)

Kara Sidorowicz, 2013

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
(6th ed., 2nd printing). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M., Soderlund, L., & Brizee, A. (2010, May 5).
General format. Retrieved from
Price, P. (2012). Psychology research methods: Core skills and concepts. Washington, D.C.: Flat World

Kara Sidorowicz, 2013

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