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Control your opponent from the Side position

aka Cross position.

He's defending by holding his arms close
to his body.

You reach inside his arms with your own arm.

Trying to grab your own shoulder.

You lock in the arm with your chin.

And make sure you block your opponents head
by placeing your hand in front of it.
This is to make sure he wont turn towards you.

Then keeping the pressure low you start shifting your

body towards his head.

You then reposition your hand to the other side

of his head / body, keeping the pressure down

Then you lock in his head with your knees.

You are now in the North / South position.

Quickly place your arm in front of

your opponents belly, slightly pulling
his body up.

You then shift your hips.

Your breast is now facing his head again
and you are on his side.
Keep a tight grip on his arm
by sqeesing your arm together.
You can now submit your opponent.

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