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August 12-16
For the week of: March 2-6

Guidelines for Success

Cooperate with everyone
Have responsible actions
Respect others
Imitate Christ in all things
Show a positive attitude
Try your best

Contact Information:
Phone: 683-6989
Class Blog:

Whats Happening!
Mrs. Kauffeld: Mutliply Decimals, Test Friday
Mrs. Warren: Divide Decimals
Mrs. Hardesty: Add and Subtract Fractions
Mrs. Fleming: Multiply/Divide Decimals

Language Arts (Reading, English, Vocabulary)

Mrs. Kauffeld: The Lightning Thief, Pronouns, story vocabulary
Mrs. Warren : Holes, verb tenses, vocabulary word list
Mrs. Fleming: Extra Credit, verbs, vocabulary word list
Mrs. Hardesty:We the children, prepositions, vocabulary word

Owensboro Catholic Schools share
in the mission of the Church in
communion with families and
parishes to provide excellence in
Catholic faith formation and
academics which prepare students
to become responsible members of
family, Church, and community.

Tests this week

Week at a Glance
Religion: Unit 3 Review
Science: Ch. 7 Water on Earth
Social Studies: American Revolution

Important Events this week:

Monday- 4th and 5th grade academic team practice

Wednesday- 4th and 5th grade academic team practice
Thursday- Mass at 9am, 5TH GRADE PRAYER DAY, Market Day order deadline
Friday-School is in session, faith in education t-shirt with uniform bottoms

Upcoming Events:

3rd Quarter AR Cutoff- March 16th

Thursday, March 19th- Open House
Friday, March 20th- 3rd quarter ends

Religion : Friday
Social Studies:

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