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Mt. Pleasant Community School District “Learning for a Lifetime” Cental Office Mr. Mike Wells, Superintendent £00 East Madison Street Pat Beaty, Detar of tsration ‘Me Plesat, 1852681 |W, Edward Chabal, Buses Manager Phone: 319-385:750 Fans 39.385:788 Mareh 1, 2015 Dear Sir or Madar, Its an honor and a privilege to wit this leter of recommendation for Mrs, Dina Saunders. Mrs. Saunders serves the district English Langusge Learners (ELL) Director, Elementary Spanish Coordinatovteacher, and teacher leader at Salem Elementary School Dina accepted the position asa techetleader (building principal) at Salem Elementary this year. Salm Elementary is 2 single section elementary with approximately 125 Pre-K-S students. Dina has patered with another teacher 10 creale a teacher leadership program that is a. model program in the siae’s new ‘Teacher/Leadership and Compensation program. Her educational pilosophy is one that i very progressive. She has worked diligent to provid professional development to her colleagues and to bring innovative ideas fo classooms/schools. Her posiive aitude and rlemless drive to provide the finest education for our children has had postive impact on our entre staff Dina has shown great leadership in designing a pilot, tlementary Spanish programa. She i creaing the curriculum, standards, and is working with the Unversity of Towa on an assessment system, Dina has also organized a “food from scratch program. This program wi produce all food from natural ingredients. She his parieipated in public presentations displaying Tnovative programs, answering cttcism in a constructive manner, and standing firm in her educational balieves. She doss not shy away fiom standing up for what i best for children and embraces the challenges, that lay before he. ‘Changing people's hears and minds is very challenging but this is what Dina is doing. She entered into the challenge with realistic goals and «positive attitude. She is sting a high standard of conduct forall tudes, Which sets anew bar forall children in our school. ‘She is working closely with other administrators and data teams fo create higher standards for childen. All of he classroom decisions are based on one simple question, ""What i best for children?” She demands excellence from her students and colleagues, encourages people 10 {40 more and todo it better, As a result of her diligence, second language learners have found more success, Student scores have inreated, andthe overall climute of the schol she works in improved. Dina has reached ‘ut im the community and was instumental in developing an adult English clas to help parents further theic tcucation and improves thet lives. She teaches in the evenings and has coordinated with Southeastem Community College and Towa Werkforce to acquire funding. I have seldom had a teacherladministator willing to set such high personal cecountailiy, Dina wy kes ownership and responsibility for student success. She is always willing to communicate both success and failure in her classroom and wses them as Examples for others to leam from. Dina believes that success can ony continue if we examine our weaknesses, fot jst our sirens, ‘Dinas “outside the box" thinking is refreshing change in our school. She would not be satisfied with having an adequate classroom or school she works diligently to develop the best classroom possible. She also pushes ‘other administrator and colleagues t improve our overall educational system. (One of Dina’ greatest strengths is her ability to communicate. She is visible inthe community seeking input, both positive and consimictive in nature, She always wants to know how her classroom can benefit the community. she has any student issues, se always communicates with the parents and the child 1 hep them understand her expectations. She has a tue knack of disciplining with love. Dina communicates well with hee peers. Shes nt aad 0 stand up fr whats right and having frank discussions if necessary. Dina’s greatest atsibute is her moral standards, She will not li, steal, or cheat, and she will not tolerate anyone who does those things. She is a person of her word. ‘She is a tireless worker. She will demand excellence from everyone in the organization. She will communicate with ther administrators, teachers, nd {he parens in a srsightforward manner. [lave never meta finer person than Dina Saunders, and | have the ttmost respect for her high moral standards Dina Saunders has been avery successful teicher and an outstanding administrator. She istry one ofa kind ‘She serves as a mentr o other teachers; she is demanding, she is tough, yet she is always fair. She wants to see growth in all peopl, in all children, and will accept nothing less. She isnot marred to medioerity—she beloves, “we are either geting beter or geting worse, there is no status quo in education” Her greatest attribute is her love and dedication to children. Shei rly a champion o education! {consider Mrs. Dina Saunders to be one ofthe best teachers and progressive administrators 1 have seen and ‘would recommend her without any reservation for any teaching r administrative position. Ifyou have any {questions about Dina's qualifications or if here is anything I can do for he, please contact me at (319) 385+ 7150 office), (319) 931-4479 (cll phone), e by e-mail nike. wells ped ots Respectfully, De Mike Well, Suparinondont Mount Pleasiat Community School Distt

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