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The Road to the

American Revolution
Chapter 17
Mr. Collins

What does Thomas Jefferson Say?

Video Review

Discuss in groups
What was TJ saying (expressing)?
What were some things he mentioned
they were fed up with?

What document/event does this song


Over View of Events to Revolution

French Indian War

Taxation w/o Representation (acts)
Boston Massacre/Tea Party

Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress

French and Indian War (7 Years War)

England (and Colonists) vs. France (and

Fought for control of Ohio River Valley

England wins
Increased taxes on Colonists for war cost
Deteriorated Colonists-England relations

Taxation Without Representation

Townshend Acts

Sugar/Stamp Acts
Tea Act
All caused from war debt

Boston Massacre and Tea Party

Boston Massacre 1770
- Riot because taxes
- Resulted in colonists deaths.

Boston Tea Party 1773

- Revolt to Tea Acts
- Dressed as Indians, threw tea
into harbor

Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)

Englands punishment for Boston Tea Party
Many acts that pushed the limit
- Quartering Act

- Boston Port Act

- Boston had to repay

First Continental Congress

Met in 1774 @ Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia
- Economic Boycotts
- Resist Intolerable Acts
- Repealing raw goods exports to England

Was the first, official, political and intellectual

convention of independence against British rule

Further Review and Extra Credit

Complete this online trivia quiz and test your knowledge to prepare for the

For Extra Credit, create a history meme, regarding one of the incidents on
the road to revolution. Send it to me via email,

Everyone gets 5 pts. extra credit, top 3 funniest gets 10!

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