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Compliance Techniques in Action

Junainah Ahmed


Any monetary donation for Primary Childrens.

Foot in the Door & Door in the Face
Citizens living off of Wasatch Boulevard in Sandy, Utah.
In the neighborhood, midday, on a Saturday.
There will be a small amount of donations due to the time of day and the
addition of the setting being familiar to the person being asked for

donations from.
6. For foot in the door, I went to random neighbors and introduced myself
and my purpose, raising money for Primary Childrens in time for
Christmas. At first I asked for a dollar donation and afterwards a fivedollar donation. For door in the face I did the opposite, after introducing
myself and my purpose I asked for a five-dollar donation and then
afterwards a dollar donation.
7. In the beginning I was unsure of the whole thing, I was worried about
making myself look like a creep in a new neighborhood, especially with
the door in the face technique, as it is very demanding. It ended up
going better than I expected, with most houses agreeing to the dollar
donation with the exception of the few that agreed to the five-dollar
donation. With the foot in the door technique, I found it to be much easier
to get one dollar and then afterwards five because once I got around to
asking for the higher donation, a conversation had started and it had
become more open and friendly. All in all it was a success.

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