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(Sources of Genetic information)
- (Individual
performance Production & Type)
- (Sibling performance sisters
and brothers)
(Offspring daughters)


Why is there little genetic progress in

Bull selection is on the basis of dams
production alone will give little to no genetic

We need to evaluate daughters.
We need independent accurate data.


If we have
(recording) we
can measure
and improve


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Follow-up advice to farmer

Records to be kept on reproductive events of each animal;
Observing for heat daily from 16th to 24th day after AI (at least 2
times per day, morning and evening, for 1530 minutes);
Checking animals not seen in heat by day 2123 after AI for nonpregnancy by progesterone estimation in milk or plasma;
Requesting manual pregnancy diagnosis on animals not seen in
heat by day 55-60 after AI;
Observing for any abnormality in vaginal discharges;
Appropriate feeding regime during pregnancy;
Drying off pregnant animals 2 months before expected calving;
Having any animal that has an abnormal discharge, or that does
not show heat within 60 days after calving, examined by a

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