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Palitaw Ingredients:

1 cup Glutinous rice flour ( Malagkit Rice )

1/2 cup of water
1/2 kilo Brown Sugar
Fresh grated coconut
Toasted sesame seeds

Palitaw Cooking Instructions:

Mix until the flour and water the two come together to form
a pliable ball of dough.
Take a heaping tablespoon full of the dough and roll it into a
ball, then flatten it into a pad shape with the palm of your
Poach the Palitaw in simmering water until they begin to
float (about 30 seconds to 1 minute).
Allow the pads to dry out and cool down a little so that they
dont turn the sugar into a syrup when you roll it around in it.
Sprikle with grated coconut and the sesame seeds.
Serve Cold.

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