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Artifact 1 Reflection

Throughout this assignment, I have learnt that the U.S Constitutional have
been changed and ratified for couple times in order to get the best Constitutional
that can be accepted by all of the states with large or small population. Each of the
plans specially made as the correction of the previous plan. I also realized that each
branch such as executive, legislative and judiciary of the government has different
function. In The New Jersey Plan, for instance, Congress has the power to impose
the taxes and tariff to finance the nation while in The Virginia Plan, the Congress
only responsible for making the laws. By looking at the ratification, The Connecticut
Plan seems to be the media of the failure of the previous plans since the
Connecticut Plan combine the idea that has been made before.
The separation power of each government branch limits the power of each
branch in order to avoid any aristocracy in the government system. At the moment,
slavery was become a controversial issue for new constitution since many of the
states considered that the slaves have to be counted as part of their states
population. As the result, the new constitution counts the slave as 3/5 of a person.
From this we can see there is a discrimination of the slaves. Slaves are human
beings that have the same rights as the other beings. This dark side of the
Constitution become arguable for the Founder Fathers in creating the Declaration of
Independences, which states that everyone are created equal. The Declaration of
Independences makes the different for the slaves, giving them the right to vote.

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