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How do the two systems of Democracy differ as far as branches of

government are concerned?
The two branches differ as far as branches of government in many
ways. In a presidential democracy the President is considered both
the head of state and the chief of executive when on the other hand
of a parliamentary democracy they are considered to separate
offices. Also the parliamentary form the legislature holds supreme
power and the prime minister is elected by the legislature. But the
president is elected by the people, but the prime minister is elected
by officials.
B. Regarding elections, how do the systems compare?
In the parliamentary the prime minister is elected through
legislature which are officials. In the presidential then citizens from
the country have elections and pick the candidate they want.
C. Do their leaders share similar terms in office? Explain in complete sentence
If the prime minister loses the most of support in the legislature
they must resign and a new prime minister is elected and elections
are immediately held. Presidential elections are held at fixed
recesses such as in the USA every four years. Due to the fact that
the parliamentary for is not completely defined they dont share
similar terms.
D. What are the advantages of each system of government? (At least two
Parliamentary- A prime minister can be forced to resign by
legislature when they feel as if they arent doing their job they can
elect a fit prime minister. Another advantage is that the people dont
vote for the prime minister. You may think how that is an advantage
but if they could they may not vote for the right person for the right
Presidential- A clear advantage is checks and balances. Checks and
balances allows each group to override each other, this is important
because it makes sure one branch isnt too much stronger than the
E. Identify a disadvantage" of each system.
Presidential- Just as checks and balances are an advantages they are
also seen as an disadvantage because if one branch sees a law that
is beneficial but the other doesnt think it is the law could go back
and forth and it maybe a law that should be enforced.
Parliamentary- The people dont the opportunity to vote for the
prime minister so they dont really get much say on whos elected.
Works Cited
Parliament. Scholastic Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
Parliamentary Versus Presidential Governments. Essortment., n.d. Web. 12
Feb. 2015.
Research Starters: Presidential and Parliamentary Government

Research Starters: Presidential and Parliamentary Government. 0.p., n.d. -eb.

12 Feb. 2015.

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