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AP World History Key Vocabulary Chapters 20 and 24 pages 415-432

and 523-545
1. Toltecs 15. Taino
2. Mexica16. Christopher Columbus
3. Chinampas
17. Encomienda
4. Itzcoatl
18. Motecuzoma II
5. Tezcatlipoca 19. Conquistadores
6. Quetzalcoatl 20. Hernan Cortes
7. Huitzilopochtli21. Francisco Pizarro
8. Iroquois 22. Mestizos
9. Cahokia 23. Peninsulares
10. Inca
24. Ferdinand Magellan
11. Pachacuti 25. James Cook
12. Cuzco
13. Calpulli
14. Ayllu
Question 10. Had a reputation for supporting arts, crafts, and

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