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Acute pericarditis is inflammation of the membrane covering the heart, called

pericardium. Heart is encased in a cover called pericardium.

Cause: causes are many but, in young adults, it is mostly due to viral infections like
Cocksackie, echo, Cytomegalo and herpes viruses, the list is not complete.

Presentation: It presents, usually after a flu like infection, with sharp central chest
pain aggravated by deep breathing and coughing.
Why it is important: It may be confused with Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack).
How to distinguish from heart attack:
First the nature of the pain which is sharp here. In heart attack, the discomfort is
vague and dull.
Secondly, the pain is aggravated by deep breathing, coughing and sneezing. There
is no change in Myocardial infarction.
Thirdly, the pain is lessened by sitting up and leaning forward. There is no difference
in pain intensity to this position in heart attack.
Fourthly, the heart attack patients usually have the risk factors for heart attack, like
smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, excess cholesterol and family history where
as pericarditis patients are relatively young and pericarditis usually follows a flu like
viral infection.
What are the other differences: the doctor may pick up a friction rub with his
ECG may resemble heart attack but can be easily distinguished from heart attack by
experienced physician who is good at reading ECG.

Conclusion: Acute pericarditis is often confused with heart attack. Heart attack is
dangerous whereas viral pericarditis is not. It resolves without any permanent
damage. The damage is permanent in heart attack.
There are many features common to acute pericarditis and heart attack. So, They
can be easily confused with each other. Our aim is to present the most prominent
distinguishing features between these two, so that the common man is not alarmed
by the symptoms of acute pericarditis.

Finally medical consultation is a must whether it is acute pericarditis or heart attack.

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