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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology


Name of the Event: CHROMIFIEDhues redefined

Type of the Event: Fun
Event Description:
This is a rangoli making competition with some twists. we give a
symbol or object to the group of 10 teams then we pic a card and
they have to make that objects using limited colors and in limited
space. The team who make that object in their rangoli neatly and
effectively in given time will be awarded.
Event Format (Details of Rounds): There will be only one round
where we select one winner from every group of 10 teams
.Participation fee will be RS 20 .The collected amount will be
awarded back to the student as prize money.
Detailed/Complete list of Logistics:

Bowl(min 200)
Rangoli Colors(10 colors+white color)
Cello Tape
Objects Printout
Broom (min 10)
Markers(min 10)
A4 size sheets (min 100)
1 Box of pen

Duration of the Event: one day(second day of maffick)


Event Rules:
Two members team
Rangoli art should not exceed the size of 30cmx30cmx30cm

cross college teams are allowed

Participants are responsible for the arrangements of the materials required to prepare the Rangoli.
No paints shall be allowed.
Time Limit : 20 min
Participants will be provided marked space for making Rangoli.
The decision of the judges will be final and binding
In case of time limit exceeding judges are free to disqualify the respecting team.

Additional General Rules and Team Specification: ______

If the participant will mark the wrong symbol then he/she will be
Scoring: __
As in tambola the liners first ,second,third, house full etc.
will be


One who mark wrong symbol will be disqualified

Other Specifications: __Participation fee is RS 10
Budget Details: _
Money will be required for
printing the tickets i.e 500 tickets
printing posters i.e 15 posters

Venue Required: ___g1, g2, g3 ,A 201

Coordinator 2-_____shivangi
Branch and Year- ___ECE 2nd year__________________________
Phone Number- ___________9630020433___________________
Coordinator 3- ____priyal
Branch and year-____ECE 2
Phone Number - _____9479540280_______________

Faculty Coordinator- alpana mam

Proposed Prize Money-

First: __-__________________

Second: ___-_________________
Third: ____-__________________

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