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Mars Venus

Mars lowest

Venus lowest

Under 15, folks will have pleasures/passionate of what they do.

Take bold steps to attain their pleasures and declare/express your
love for somebody. Take bold steps to say I love this person.
Passionate and romantic person. If Mars is debilitated resort to
violence to make their point in Cancer, Aries, Scorpio. In Libra
other way roundpleasant. 4th lord Venus in Taurus goes to 6 th
house and conjunct with mars. Mars being at lowest degree lady
run away from home.
Masculine and feminine energy mixing. Duality in them. Intensity
depends upon sign and houses and other aspects.
People become more aggressive in relationship, physical
dominance in relationship. Express aggressiveness through Venus.
Express arts in more passionate way. Physically active. Want to
look good/ want to look beautiful. Hotel management duty of
Mars, Venus beautifies everything.
Aggressive is seen though how much they adore you, love you.
They are calm, cool, and confident in relationships. Have fun. Able
to express softer side. Action Hero action oriented roles in
movies. Romantic people in films. If they suffer domestic violence,
they are able to withstand that. They will be able to fight back.

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