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To: The Selection Committee

I have strongly challenged myself lately as I want to take advantage of these years as
much as I can. I consider the Erasmus programme is that unique opportunity that everyone
should take into consideration and I see this scholarship as a life-changing experience.
Travelling, learning, adapting to a different culture, to different kind of people, to a different
education system, all these mentioned above represent a great challenge and I am willing to
take it.
I have been studying economics for the past five and a half years and I realized the
ease with which I can understand it and its connection with the environment and the
satisfaction I would have to deepen this subject. I graduated an Economic High School and
my favorite subjects were entrepreneurial education, business administration and economics.
Now I am a sophomore at University of Economic Studies, at the Faculty of Marketing. I am
passionate about what I study but I consider that is best for me to expand my knowledge area.
I am continuously challenging myself every step of the way and I love getting
involved in as many projects and competitions as I can and I am trying to apply all the
scholarly things. I developed my main soft skills based on these extracurricular activities.
These soft skills are communication abilities, gained by working with a various type of
people, managing different situations, adaptable, cooperative and dedicated. I have been a
volunteer at the Economics Students Association of Romania (ASER) in the Marketing
department since the second year of Faculty. Being part of this association helped me develop
as a member of the society and made me a more responsible person.
To summarize, I consider that this kind of experience is necessary and it will offer me
another point of view on the economic and business culture from another country. It will
come as an aid for me in order to give me the opportunity to travel, experience a new culture
and meet new interesting people that will broaden my network. I now I am ready for such an
experience, I am ready to accumulate as much information as I can, to learn, to understand
and to apply.
Thank you for your time in considering my application, hope you will take the best

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