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Ted Herrie makes the statement "I have

been personally told by one contractor
that "everyone in Century Village is a
boss" and "everyone wants something
different." Hats off to Ted......that is a very
accurate statement.
Yet, nobody in CV making decisions
knows anything about anything when it
comes down to architectural design and
production of documents, and
construction methods, means and
The UCO Infrastructure and Bidding
Committees should be combined and
stocked with 1 0 or 1 2 people who have
extensive backgrounds in architectural
design, engineering, code requirements,
and field work experience. And, those
committee members should work very
closely with UCO's CAM almost on a dayto-day basis.
The CAM should be the final say on who
has the knowledge and experience, and
is capable of serving on this combined
committee. Politics must be kept out of it
A typical example of putting politics ahead
of experience would be the 5.3 million
dollar paving fiasco. Black and Israel
knew nothing about paving, contracts,
design, field supervision, etc., yet, they
claimed to be the bosses, and everything
had to be done their way. Look at the
results. EDUARD
Here's an interesting response by
Bob Rivera , one of Mr Israels allies
Y'know Mr Ross, I know you have all
those letters after your name and all, but
I have never heard of you volunteering
to give your expertise. You have the
architectural background, stop
complaining and use it

Mr. Rivera, -- you are now addressing me, Mr.

Ross, and I thank you for the respect, which I
think I deserve after having over 50 years in the
architectural/engineering profession, and
specializing in construction administration
However, Mr. Rivera, your snipe, using the
words "stop complaining" is not really worthy of
a defending response. You should know,
however, that I submitted my name with a
detailed CV background of my many services
to my own association as president, and my
extensive services to UCO re the
reconstruction of the clubhouse after the big
hurricane, and a two-page bio printed in
WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA, to David Israel on
three separate occasions. I told him in writing
that as a professional I would provide, pro bono
(although not normally permitted by
professional standards), services in any way
that I could inasmuch as I was a resident and a
unit owner of Century Village. Through two
other people in the administration I learned that
Mr. Israel rejected my offer. He personally
stated, it is reported, that he would not allow
me to serve on any one of the four committees
I had made application for that perhaps I could
provide some input and a worthwhile service. I
respectfully requested that he place his
rejections in writing, but he wouldn't even
So please, Mr. Rivera, maybe you should do a
little homework before you open your mouth
and spew inaccurate information in print. It
makes you look like a fool.

Followed by this comment from a UCO

Dave Israel kept your rejection to serve on
committees very secret. I was there in the office
and I know what he did. I think that you became a
threat to him with your knowledge and
experience. I know of 2 other people of which he
did the same thing.

Mr Ross responded with this

This is an example of a commonly used tactic .
If there no rational defense to issues being raised , attack the opponent personally.

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