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Wonders of Africa: Black Kingdoms of the Nile

Handout 1: Constructing a Pyramid

Step #1: Cut a 21-inch square from poster board.

Step #2: Measure to find the midpoint of each side and mark each midpoint with a point. Label the points,
A, B, C, and D.

Step #3: Connect the points on opposite sides of the square with a straight line.

Step #4: Measure a 7-inch line segment from Point A towards the intersection of the two lines (center of
the square). Place a point at the end of the 7-inch line segment and label it Point E.

Step #5: Follow the same procedure for Point B and label the endpoint, Point F. Repeat these steps to draw
a 7-inch line segment from Point C to Point G. Do the same from Point D and mark Point H.

Step #6: Draw a 7-inch line segment perpendicular to the line segment AE and make point E its midpoint.
Repeat the same directions for Points F, G, and H. This should form a square in the center of the

Step: #7: Make a triangle by drawing two straight lines from Point A to the closest corners of the square.
Repeat for Points B, C, and D.

Step #8: Use scissors to cut along the outside of the four triangles.

Step #9: Fold the triangles on the edge shared by the square and triangles to form a pyramid.

Step #10: Tape the sides of the pyramid together.

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