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Numerous people around the world wish for world peace while others wish for

wealth. In this case, young children from places such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and a
few from Mexico have been traveling alone to the United States searching for a
peaceful environment. As thousands risk their lives traveling alone leaving family
behind trying to get away from poverty and violence in their country, thousands of
children continue to sneak into the United States. Being a senior in high school, I
continue to reflect on how blessed I am to have free education and live in a country
where I am safe surrounded by my loved ones. 60,000 to 70,000 children have been in
custody for committing a crime in trying to sneak into a country where many arent
welcoming them with open arms. In this situation the children are the categorical
variable for the reason that many are grouped by their age or location. In conclusion,
the quantative variable would be the amount of children that fled from their country
and are now in custody in the United States.

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