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If one agent2342424242 has a utility function with values in R, 636262623then tw

o agents have a pair of utility functions with joint values insfasfasf R2. If on
e agent has a utility function with valu23242342es ein S*, then two agents hwefw
fwfwfwave a pair of utility functiwhssgsghsons with joint values in ...what? We
can't just form a product offasdfasdfasf S* with itself, because S* is not a set

The first thing that comes to mind is that some economic models have more than o
ne agent.
If one agent has a utility function with values in
r of utility functions with joint values in R2. If
ion with values in S*, then two agents have a pair
nt values in ...what? We can't just form a product
is not a set.

R, then two agents have a pai

one agent has a utility funct
of utility functions with joi
of S* with itself, because S*

There are probably ways around these difficulties, but they're going to be clums
y and they're going to require lots of mucking around with foundations that are
almost surely not interesting to most economists.
Set theory lets us form unions, products, coproducts and power sets. It lets us
talk about subsets and supersets without having to worry about whether they exis
t. Economists use these constructions all the time without stopping to think abo
ut them. I doubt that we want to switch to a new foundation that forces us to th
ink about them constantly.

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