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download any adobe cs6 trial

2. install as trial while disconnected from the net (or block outgoing connectio
ns using somethign like 'little snitch' - alternately, patch hosts using list fr
om link below)
3. do not enter an adobe id > select 'connect later'
4. open adobe photoshop and illustrator and close them BEFORE the next step. thi
s will ensure you get photoshop extended and that the illustrator splash screen
does not say 'tryout'after applying the patch.
5. once installed, replace amtlib.framework in
meworks/ with the activated version included in the patch (keep a copy of the or
iginal just in case - ie. rename to 'amtlib.framework.bak')
6. repeat for any other applications from the suite you have installed- includin
g acrobat distiller (or any other cs6 .app containing a 'amtlib.framework' packa
7. if doing updates, such as acrobat, it's good to re-apply the activated amtlib
.framework package before re-launching the app once the update is applied
8. if the illustrator splash still shows 'tryout', go to applications>adobe illu
strator cs6>adobe illustrator>contents>resources and rename ai_cs6_splas
h.png to ai_cs6_splash__tryout.png (first renaming or backing upthe original ai_

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