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Alayna Oleson

Arthurian Legend in Film

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, is related to the legend of King Arthur and
his knights in multiple different ways. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, is a thrilling story
consisting of a lot of adventure, challenges, and battles. Indiana fought for what he wanted and
would stop at nothing, he had a goal and objective to overcome and hed do what it takes to be
successful at obtaining his purpose and intentions. This is comparable to the idea that the
knights and King Arthur did the same. They drilled and fought for pride to meet their goals, or to
win (which was a goal for them). Knights were known to be protecters and bold fighters. In the
film, Indiana protects many things and was fearless and courageous when it came to
overcoming tasks or obtaining and protecting a specific item or idea. Indiana protected his
father, his fathers diary, his findings, his fathers ideas, and never gave up to achieve his goals.
Of course mistakes were made, but he was redeemed many times, and only moved forward and
did his best to accomplish his missions.
The elements of the legend are used to drive this movie to show you suspense, thrill,
and how adventurous this period and setting really is. The director Steven Speilberg did an
excellent job at capturing the idea and real-life feeling of the thousand year old story and timeperiod. While viewing Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, you really feel the notion and
impression of what this era would have been like, everything from the battles and events, to the
way they dressed and acted as characters themselves. This truly brings out the dispositions

and persona of Indiana compared to King Arthurs mightiness and standpoint as well as all of
the other knights of these ages. The truculent and uncooperative behavior of Indiana was
beneficial and also not beneficial for him throughout the story, but that drove the story into
suspense and mystery to help create the ambience and vibe of the film that Speilberg wanted us
to feel. Speilberg did an outstanding job re-creating an occurrence and impression of Indiana
Jones and the Last Crusade, to commensurate to the idea, feeling, and similarity to that of
King Arthur and his knights as well as the time-period, thousands of years ago, that both of
these were originally from.

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