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Anglo Saxon weapons and

- Alayna, Charles, and Jordan.

Anglo Saxon armies were not
large. Men were not the only
ones battling the wars, there
were women soldiers as well.
Everyone traveled by foot
and lived nastily and were
quite unhygienic during wars.

Saxon Weapons- battle axe

The most crucial weapon
that the Anglo Saxons used
was the battle-axe. It was
feared by their opponents
and did damage. Their
battle axe originated from the
Danish Vikings and the
Saxons became very efficient
in using the axe.

Saxon Weapons- sword

The swords that the Saxons
used were the most precious
to them and took hours of
crafting. Ownership of a
sword defined a Saxon as a
free man. Having a sword
also showed a man of high
ranking. A typical AngloSaxon sword had a long,
straight, double-edged blade.

Saxon Weapons- spears

Along with the AngloSaxons swords, the spears
also represented a free man
in battle. Spears were the
most common weapon found
with the Saxons. All ranks of
society carried a spear. The
spears were leaf-shaped,
made of iron with a wooden
shaft. The Saxons held their
spear in the opposite hand of
the shield.

The Anglo-Saxons fought in
small armies on foot. The
Saxons followed a warrior
code which stated that every
man must die fighting for their
leader if he had to. The
Anglo-Saxons fought
psychologically and used their
strengths to their advantage.
The Saxons were also very
knowledgable about their
weapons and knew how to use
them most effectively as

Fighting tactics
The majority of AngloSaxon attacks were over-thehead attacks. Leadership was
important during battles.
They practiced many
different shield walls as a
defense against attacking


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