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Yang Liu

Prof. Butler
Political Science 1
February 27, 2015
Reflection on Midterm Project 3: Campaign Recommendations
When I looked at this assignment at the first time, I was worried about it. I thought it would
be very hard to write 23 page essay regarding the presidential campaign suggestions.
However, the professors instruction made the assignment easier to be accomplished. I did not
realize that the midterm project part 1 and part 2 were the preparations for midterm project part
3. In this assignment, I learned that how to integrate previous assignments into a new related
assignment and how to let those previous assignments make sense in midterm project part 3. I
tried to organize the data, campaign commercial analyzing and media campaign summary. I also
learned how to use examples to summarize the key points.
I felt that this assignment improved my academic skills. I learned that I should not be panic
when I see the assignment at the first time. I need to read the whole instructions carefully. This
was my first assignment that was completed in memorandum format. I studied the sample online
and finally knew how to write memorandum properly.
I think I was struggling on organizing all the information clearly. When I had so much
information, I was lack of ability to categorize them into groups that they fit into. In my report,
the ideas were not clear enough to understand everything that I wrote.

For my next assignment, I will use more examples to prove my points. I also need to be
careful with grammatical errors in my future writing assignments. I have to read my sources
slowly in order to find the main idea behind the whole article.

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