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MSE 543 Teaching Children with Cognitive Disorders

1. Individuals with intellectual disability
a. do not need to master academic skills
b. need special assistance to learn what many of their peers learn
c. do not have the intelligence to read or do mathematics
d. represent the largest group or individuals with disabilities receiving
special education
2. Even though many states use a variety of terminology to label students
who have below average intelligence scores most of the students
a. will not be able to live independently
b. will probably not be able to get a job
c. have average to low intelligence with average adaptive functioning
d. have significantly subaverage intellectual and adaptive functioning
3. there are reasons other than mental retardation that might cause a person
to achieve a below average score on an intelligence test, including
a. civic differences
b. economic differences
c. climate differences
d. cultural differences
4. the addition of ____________ to the definition of intellectual disability began
to improve the problem of overrepresentation of minority students in
special education classes.
a. The adaptive behavior qualifier
b. The intelligence quotient
c. Current level of functioning
d. Variation in student behavior
5. The definition of intellectual disability states that the disability must be
diagnosed before the age of
a. 3
c. 18
b. 5
d. 21
6. According to the definition of intellectual disability, how many adaptive
skill areas must be limited?
a. One
b. More than one
c. Two
d. More than two

7. Students diagnosed with intellectual disability must have an intelligence

test score of ________ or below on one or more individually administered
general intelligence tests.
a. 50-55
c. 70-75
b. 60-65
d. 80-85
8. A student fits the definition of intellectual disability if
a. social problems are prominent
b. adaptive functioning skills are adequate
c. adaptive functioning skills are intact
d. measured intelligence is significantly subaverage
9. The effectiveness with which an individual meets the standards of personal
independence and social responsibility expected of his or her age and
cultural group is defined as
a. Adaptive behavior
b. Social behavior
c. Peer tolerance behavior
d. Responsible, age-appropriate behavior
Adaptive behavior scales may include all of the following except
a. Self-care skills
b. Academic skills
c. Social skills
d. Home living skills

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