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Running head: reflection

Karina M. Sapon
University of St. Thomas



Using the feedback that I obtained on my persuasive essay, I was able to revise my final
draft and make the appropriate changes that would help facilitate my thoughts. The topic of early
childhood education and play was a very difficult topic to research. In my opinion, the persuasive
essay was probably the hardest essay I had to create this semester because I kept doubting
whether my message was being communicated clearly enough to actually persuade someone that
would be against the topic.
Fortunately, I was able to find literature that helped me understand the topic in depth and
provide me with definitions of the concept of play. I believe that helped me start my essay
because I understood what I had to explain and use to persuade the reader and allowed me to
construct my thesis around the topic. Considering the suggestions, I was able to revise the
abstract by citing the authors Weisberg, Zosh, Hirsh-Pasek, & Golinkoff to validate my definition
of the word play. I also rearranged the words in the last sentence of the abstract since the
message was not clear. As the author, I understood what I was trying to state but rereading the
draft with the comments helped me realize that my thoughts were not clearly communicated to
the reader. When I stated in consistency with todays learner I meant to say that play was
essential to todays learner because it was consistent with the needs and interests of children in
the present day. I had to reword my thoughts in order for that message to be clear.
I also took into consideration including literature from another country in order to include
different aspects of the world of early childhood education and play. In return, branching out of
education in the U.S., helped me realize that education is suffering around the world due to
heavy interference from the government. I did not realize utilizing other countries research was
an option to include in my essays. Through this learning process, I have acquired more


knowledge of how to properly construct research essays on a graduate level. I feel I can utilize
research to my advantage and I have learned how to properly cite and use the APA format.

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