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Personal Opinion

The first moment I get this assignment, I feel great about it as I had a chance
to have deep research on expository essay regarding tourism Malaysia. I had
acess as much information from the internet and reference and decided to choose
Pulau Langkawi and Taman Negara as my assignment topic.
After completed this assignment, I had learnt about the interesting place in
Malaysia which can attract tourist from oversea countries. there are many places of
interests in country such as beaches, islands and rain forest. Malaysia's rain forest is
considered as the oldest in the world such as Malaysia National Park. The diverse
species of animals and plant life continue to excite a great deal of scientific
research.Malaysia National Park has utilize the land within the park in perpetuity,
for the propagation, protection and preservation of indigenous flora and fauna".
There are many islands in our country such as Pulau Langkawi, Pulau
Redang, and many others. Pulau Langkawi has a lot of historical information. Those
who are in favour of history can go there to explore the history of that place. Although
its a smaller islands, has a legendary reputation, with many places where myth and
natural beauty seem to coincide. Many of its legends are all the more real, simply
because its people are convinced of their authenticity.

Langkawi certainly has its

own geological uniqueness which had successful attracted many tourists from whole
world. All the beaches in those islands are beautiful. The sand is soft and white. The
accommodation is well-established and that makes those islands ideal places to
visit.. Besides that, I also learnt that tourism is very important our country because it
can be a huge income and it can help to spread Malaysia good name in the world.

Moreover, the stability and peacefulness of Malaysia is also a uniqueness of

us. We live harmoniously in a country where there are no wars and conflicts among
Malaysians although we are from different races, we still can tolerate with each other
and live under the same roof.
In short, I am proud as Malaysian because our country is an amazing country
with diversity of races, religions, colourful cultures and beautiful landscape and is
one of the most pleasant, hassle-free countries to visit in the world. It would be worth
to visit here.

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