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This week in FLK-3

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction
you choose.

We celebrated Dr. Seuss Birthday!

We said Good-Bye to Alvina for 3 weeks as she travels to India and we officially welcomed Tom
as a Canadian Citizen!

In Language: We continued to sign in to practice printing our name.

We celebrated Dr. Seuss. Mrs. Bradley made multiple colors of playdoh for the
children. They used it to create Seussicals. She had the children try Green Eggs
and Ham and then graphed whether or not they liked it. They opened rhyming eggs
she had created and played a rhyming game with her Cat in the Hat stuffie. In the
afternoon, we made Cat in the Hat hats and Miss Evans created One Fish, Two
fish, Red fish, Blue fish pictures with the children.
We met a new friend, Stretchy the Snake, who reminds us to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out the
individual sounds and then blend the sounds together again to read a word. We
practiced using Stretchy on words and on Book 1 of the BOB BOOKS collection 1.
(Which I highly recommend! Bob Books are available from Scholastic and can be
borrowed from the Public Library. They are simple beginning readers that contain
words the children can sound.)
We began a new unit called Our Catholic Seasons which will augment our
preparation for Easter.
We continued our booklet about some of the Miracles that Jesus performed. We
are concentrating on drawing a picture and adding labels. (Some of us are expected
to do more writing than others.) We learned about Jesus feeding 5000 people and
walking on water.
We finished our Jolly Phonics sounds. Booklets will go home shortly. We have
completed the 26 letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds. We also
learned the sh, ch and th blends. There are other vowel digraph sounds such as
oa, but we will not be studying these at this time. We will concentrate applying

what we have already learned. Set #5 of the letters is in mailbags. There are 2
tiles for TH. The thicker lettered TH is the voiced th sound as in thick and think.
The thinner lettered TH tile is for the unvoiced TH sound as in though and this.
We rhymed. We did more work around syllables and identifying beginning and end
We continued our Snuggle Up and Read Program.
We welcomed Miss Mason back to school. She read
Dalien the Alien has had successful sleepovers. His parents report from outer
space that they are thrilled with his earth education. This week he learned about
reading at Natalies house and about basketball games at Avas.
Gym: We continued Gymnastics! We have been lucky to be able to have close to
double periods. We continued working on balances, jumps and landings and moving
creatively in short routines.
Next week should prove VERY productive in Gymnastics as we went to the Gym
Friday afternoon to watch the school Gymnastics team perform their routines for
the upcoming Gymnastics Meet. Ohhhhhhh the ideas we saw and wanted to try!!!
Religion: We continued learning about some of the miracles that Jesus performed
and discussed how these miracles made the priests and higher ups feel towards
We continued our Lenten Puzzle of Good Deeds. Thank you to those who have let us
know Good Deeds you are seeing at home so we can reinforce them in the class!
Science: We did the walking water experiment. We placed one end of a strip of
paper towel in a cup of blue dyed warm water and another in a cup of yellow. We
placed the other end in an empty cup. We watched the water move down the paper
towels and form GREEN dyed water in the empty cup!
We prepared an Oobleck experiment with the children. We made the oobleck and
dripped it through holes in a basket to form strings which we could cut. After lots
of time to experiment with some, each child received some oobleck to take home.
In Art: we had no formal art this week.

In Music, Drama and Dance: We worked on more whole class Lip Syncs and dance
parties. In order to move on from Let it Go, which is a wonderful song just maybe
a little overdone, we have been listening to the Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack,
which is our school play this year!
In Mathematics: We continued with numbers. We counted to 100 by 1, 5 and 10.
We counted to 20 by 2. We used our knowledge of numbers to read a clock to the
hour. We read a thermometer. We began simple addition stories. We added fish
and dots on dice and even our fingers. The children had to find objects in the
classroom and create an addition story.
In Personal and Social Development: We continued to work on our self-regulation
skills through being a respectful and attentive audience members. On Friday
afternoon we were given the opportunity to watch the Junior and Intermediate
Gymnastics Teams. We were very good audience members!
In Inquiry/Directed Play: We continued to explore the new classroom toys and
materials. Contrary to many adult beliefs, Inquiry is a slow process that needs to
come from the children themselves. This period of exploration with new materials
is a key aspect of Inquiry. The students have changed their play in so many ways,
from the materials they are using to who they are playing with, which is always the
first step in advancing stages of play!

Upcoming Events:
Friday March 13 celebrate St. Patricks Day
Monday March 16 to Friday March 20 March Break no classes for students.
Friday April 3 Good Friday no school
Monday April 6- Easter Monday- no school
Friday April 17 PA Day no class for students

Tuesday April 22 and Wednesday April 23 school production of Alice in

Saturday April 25 St. Mark 50th Anniversary
Monday April 27 teachers and students (only) will attend Arts Canada Production
of The Beanstock info to follow

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