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Effective Strategies to Support Students with

Orthopedic Impairments
What are some effective strategies for working with children who have orthopedic

Communicate with families and other professionals to coordinate care and

Provide seating and mobility to suit students' needs
Consider students' medical needs when planning instruction and actvities
Explore assistive technology that might help students
Think about the essence of the skills you want to teach and identify the multitude of
ways students can engage in the lesson and demonstrate their learning
Remove barriers to learning, participation, and achievement for students

Making It Accessible
The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) movement was born out the concept of Universal
Design in Architecture. In 1997, Dr. Ron Mace and colleagues at the North Carolina State
University described 7 core principles of universal design to make environments and products
accessible to the masses. These concepts formed the basis of application to multiple disciplines,
including educational instruction and curriculum design. All learners benefit from these
principles; but individuals with physical impairments often embody the most concrete examples
of how a little forethought can make a big difference.

For instance if a student is able to express the same eloquent and insightful thoughts as any
other classmate would you deny them the chance to demonstrate the ability just because they
physically cannot grasp a pencil, when allowing an oral report would showcase their skill?

If a child does not use their legs to engage in physical activity, but instead uses a wheelchair or
some other supportive device, would you deny them a chance to play with the other kids at
recess or phys. Ed?

Most of us would say absolutely not, because in these contexts, it makes so much sense. Well, it
makes sense across the board for all instructional activities. In fact, developing universally
designed instruction and activities is truly the new hallmark that distinguishes teachers of any
type from everyone else. Imagine the new slogan Those who can differentiate instruction

Of course, these advances benefit all, not just individuals with orthopedic impairments, but they
were the ground-breakers challenging the barriers, for which we will always be grateful.

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